Mission Statement

Dooming bad comics, one story at a time.

"First Class" casting is second rate.

Just a quick story I found and thought I'd share. James McAvoy, who played the main character of Wanted, and that goat boy from Chronicles of Narnia, will be playing Charles Xavier in the upcoming movie X-Men First Class. The story is early on in the mythology, when Xavier and Eric Lensherr were still friends, and it leads to the start of the war between them. Granted, I think they need to leave the franchise alone, seeing that X-men as a series is turning to crap, but let alone doing a prequel. Has Hollywood no shame? Of course not, that's why we see all of these crappy license movies.

But that's not my real problem. My problem is casting. McAvoy isn't a bad actor, he's just not a Charles Xavier type. I mean take a look and judge for yourself.


Nope, bad casting.

Remebering a legend.

On May 10th 2010, a legend in comics and the art world died of a stroke.

Frank Frazetta worked in comics early in his career, but will be known much longer for the cover art he did for such titles as Conan the Barbarian, and the album covers for the first three Molly Hatchet albums. His most recent work can be seen on Wolfmother's CD, Wolfmother.

Frazetta's work on the covers for Conan the Barbarian help to bring in, and give a definite look to the age of sword and sorcery.

Born in 1928, no one can say he didn't live a full life, but that doesn't mean he won't be sorely missed.

The reason I don't read X-men.

When I was a kid, the only comic I could seem to get into was X-men. Somewhere between junior high and high school, my parents stopped buying me comics on a regular basis, because they were using them as a way to get me to read real books, and I had picked up that habit pretty hard. That's not to say I stopped reading about superheroes. I would pick up every Spider-man, Avengers, or X-men book I could get my hands on, but most of them were just re-tellings of older comics for a new generation.

When I started picking up comics again, I went with the safe bets. Captain America, Batman, Green Lantern, but I kept away from X-men because I didn't like the team at the time. Plus, it's incredibly hard to jump into an X-men story. They tend to build. So when issue 500 hit stands in July of 2008, I picked it up for the cover, and a part of me that hopes the 500th issue becomes a collectors item down the road.

Having bought it, I decided to read it, and I was shocked as to the horrible things they've done to that group. Honestly, I'm not getting into that now, this post is already too much like a rant. I just wanted to share some videos making fun of what writers have done to the X-men in the last decade. I had no part in making these, but love them so much, I had to share.

Hope you enjoyed, and I'll have more like this for you soon.

Routine Maintenance Check up

Just got back from Iron Man 2, and without any spoilers, it's worth seeing. It has it's share of problems, but as I heard before I watched it, if you liked the first one, you'll like this one. More comedy, more action, more tech. Everything you probably expected. Yes I was right about a thing or two, but I take back my comments on Rourke's ability to be a convincing villain.

In short, I give it an A-.

I tried to find a pic of Iron Man giving a thumbs up, but couldn't find one. After a while of searching, the only one I could find was Obama from the Spider-man issue that couldn't sell, so I just used this. If you find one, drop me a line from the contact me and I'll change it.

Now for the spoilers. If you don't want to read, go away. I'll give you a few seconds to go.

That should do it. Ok, they are aren't biggies, but some people would be upset to see them without watching first. I know because I am among those that would.

First off, I was right about the Black Widow. She's American. She speaks russian among many other languages, but she's full blooded American.

Second, there are many homages. Cap's shield shows up, much more noticably, and not complete this time. You can not miss it. A screen shows images from Incredible Hulk(not Bana's ode to crap, but Edward Norton's decent ode to destruction) which places this movie on a timeline at the same time as Hulk.

Third, as if you didn't already know, stay until after the credits. It's worth it.

And last, Whiplash, for a decent portion of the movie, looks much more like Omega Red than the character he's supposed to be. Not like we didn't know that from the merchandise, but you'll have that.

I know, I'm not giving away much. But I like to watch things and experience them rather than be told.

That's it. Have fun and hope you watch it.