Mission Statement

Dooming bad comics, one story at a time.

Where are the pants?

In the early 90s Marvel Comics had a fascination with scantaly clad super heroes, and seemed to do whatever they could to show them. I'll level with you. I saw these pictures and had to share them. I didn't do much research, and probably won't when I'm done writting this. In fact, as soon as I'm done, I'll probably bleach my eyes, face, and hands, but only because they typed the words that found this stuff.

And with that, we shall begin.
This is the first image along this line I ever saw. It was in an issue of X-men from around the time I was watching the cartoon. In all honesty, it isn't that bad. It's very tame and not very fun(except for he right reasons. Iceman freezing the pool, Jubilee trying to flex like Collasus, etc.). But this is hardly where it ends.
This next picture is trying to be in the same vein, and it might have succeeded if it weren't for the characters still wearing their masks. Also notice that Iron Man is not only wearing his armor, but he has a swimsuit on over the armor.

These two pictures are of She-Hulk. They show two very different art styles for the character, but neither make much sense to me. The one on the left shows a lot of muscle definition in the upper body, but as you work your way down, the body looks more and more like a model. Whatever the artist was told to do, I think he forgot about it until the end of the work. The picture on the right can be summed up in one phrase and one word. Side boob and dragon. We've all had moments where those two words work together... Oh, is that just me...?
This picture begins the "what were you thinking Marvel?" section of our time together. Make your own comments on this one.

This picture is supposed to be sexy tiny Wasp, but all I see is Wonder-thong and the Patriotic Package. You'll understand if I don't linger to talk more about it.

This last piece is the reason first I came across tonight. I was researching another piece I'm working on, stumbled across this and had to share. Here's what I see in this picture. Captain America, wearing an American flag as a speedo. He's holding his shield. I get it so far. Who hasn't stripped down to their skivies, which demean everything you stand for, and feel so darn exposed that you hold a piece of armor. Below him is a blonde bombshell, wearing another American flag as a bikini. But the real notice isn't what she's wearing, it's how she's wearing it. Her top and bottoms are being worn in opposite directions. Now look at where she's looking. That's right, directly into his crotch. If that doesn't say "child-friendly" I sure don't know what does. Next we look behind them. And what do we see? A tribe of people with shields and spears WATCHING them. None of them is doing anything but watching the half naked people sit there. It's like the inverse of National Geographic. Oh, and there's also a waterfall.

Well, I hope you enjoyed, and I hope to have a real piece in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention in that one picture Iron Man still in well, iron, with a pair of ugly swim trunks on over it. Priceless.
