Mission Statement

Dooming bad comics, one story at a time.

The reason I don't read X-men.

When I was a kid, the only comic I could seem to get into was X-men. Somewhere between junior high and high school, my parents stopped buying me comics on a regular basis, because they were using them as a way to get me to read real books, and I had picked up that habit pretty hard. That's not to say I stopped reading about superheroes. I would pick up every Spider-man, Avengers, or X-men book I could get my hands on, but most of them were just re-tellings of older comics for a new generation.

When I started picking up comics again, I went with the safe bets. Captain America, Batman, Green Lantern, but I kept away from X-men because I didn't like the team at the time. Plus, it's incredibly hard to jump into an X-men story. They tend to build. So when issue 500 hit stands in July of 2008, I picked it up for the cover, and a part of me that hopes the 500th issue becomes a collectors item down the road.

Having bought it, I decided to read it, and I was shocked as to the horrible things they've done to that group. Honestly, I'm not getting into that now, this post is already too much like a rant. I just wanted to share some videos making fun of what writers have done to the X-men in the last decade. I had no part in making these, but love them so much, I had to share.

Hope you enjoyed, and I'll have more like this for you soon.

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